Sabtu, 28 Februari 2015

analyze the paragraph

The Advantages of the Internet

Internet has several advantages for the users. For the first advantage is the people have the connection with others people around the country or the world that can’t be met. It is because the internet can be connecting all of the people with another people in everywhere and anywhere. Such as, they can communicate with their family, friends, or colleagues in abroad by using social media. Like facebook, twitter, E-mail, messager, and etc. The second is the users able to find and catch the information, news, lesson material or new knowledge from many sources in the internet. For example, the students can browse and search their lesson to study or to do their assignment. And the next is to looking for the job vacancy that put in the internet by the company. The last advantage is the people can work by the internet. They may work from their home even their bedroom so they mustn’t go to office. They only work front of their computers or laptops. For instance, become a blogger, become a seller who sell the goods by online shop, or advertisement and so on. This business can earn much money and make the businessman get rich. In short, many benefits that can gain by people from the internet. They can be easier to communicate with people in around the world, can seeks for many information or the job vacancy and also work by the internet.
From the paragraph above we can analyze the topic sentence (topic & controlling idea), supporting sentence and concluding sentence.
1.      Topic sentence
Internet has several advantages for the users.
  Topic             controlling idea

2.      Supporting sentence
For the first advantage is the people have the connection with others people around the country or the world that can’t be met. (………………………………………..) until This business can earn much money and make the businessman get rich.

3.      Concluding sentence

In short, many benefits that can gain by people from the internet. They can be easier to communicate with people in around the world, can seeks for many information or the job vacancy and also work by the internet.

Okay, guy. That is about the analyze of the part of the paragraph. If any fault of my analyze. I take apologize and I really wish of your suggest or advance. Thanks a lot for reading ^_^  

final project of writing for academic purposes





A.    Background
Listening is receiving language through the ears. Listening involves identifying the sounds of speech and sentences. When we listen, we use our ears to receive individual sounds (letters, stress, rhythm and pauses) and we use our brain to convert these into message that mean something to us (English club: 2014).
According to oxford (1993:206), listening is a complex, problem solving skill and it is more than just perception of the sound. Listening includes comprehension of meaning bearing words, phrases, clauses, sentences and connects discourse.
Moreover, based on Rubin (1995:7), listening is conceived of as an active process in which listeners select and interpret information which comes from auditory and visual clues in order to define what is going on and what the speakers are trying to express.
In other words listening is the receiving language through the ears to catch the information or knowledge from the speakers. With active listener we can get the message from the speakers and we can know what the speakers try to express to the listeners. But if we seldom and do not listen carefully what the speakers say, so we can not get the information or the message.
Listening is an interaction between speaker and listener. Listening is skill that is difficult to be master, because it needs more attention and concentration to comprehend the sound. So that why many students in senior high school still confuse and feel difficult to comprehend what they listen.
According to Wakhid Nashruddin (2013:3) Listening is difficult skill in second languages learning. The difficulty is caused by many factors varying from the difference of sound between the second language learner first language and the second language he or she is learning, his or her lack of vocabulary, his or her grammatical unawareness, to pragmatic differences between the two languages.
The students can avoid to loss the message or information from the speakers and they may avoid the difficulties when they listen through some strategies when they study. The students also may improve their achievement in listening comprehension though that strategy. One of the strategies that can be used by teacher is using media to support the teaching learning process. There are some media that can be used in teaching listening for example western songs.
Listening using western songs, is more interesting for students’ activities. As we know that song is always follow us everywhere and almost of students like sing a song included western song. Western songs are a complete language package which within culture, vocabulary, listening and grammar. Western songs can give a relax lesson when they study. So they will not feel boring.
From the statements above the researcher interests to do the research because she wants to try teaching listening comprehension use song especially through finding missing lyric strategy.
The researcher conducts the research with the title “The Effectiveness of Finding Missing Lyric Strategy in Listening Comprehension of The Students for the Eleventh Grade in SMA Negeri 2 Lubuklinggau in The Academic Year 2014/2015.”
By using this strategy, the researcher hopes that the finding missing lyric strategy will help the students to increase their achievement in listening comprehension and this strategy is expected can be useful both of the students or the teachers especially in listening comprehension.

B.     Statement of The Problem
The problem in this research is formulated in the following the question: “is it significantly effective to use finding missing lyric strategy in teaching listening for The Eleventh Grade in SMA Negeri 2 Lubuklinggau in The Academic Year 2014/2015?”

C.    Delimitation of The Research
To make clear in this research, the researcher limits the problem which consists of the students, the method and the material. The limitation of this research is follows:
1.      The Students in this research refers to the Eleventh Grade in SMA Negeri 2 Lubuklinggau in The Academic Year 2014/2015.
2.      The method is used to teaching listening comprehension is finding missing lyric strategy.
3.      The material of teaching listening comprehension of this research is western song from Westlife on the title of “Beautiful in White”.

D.    Objective of The Research
The objective of this research is to find out whether or not it is effective to use finding missing lyric strategy in teaching listening for The Eleventh Grade in SMA Negeri 2 Lubuklinggau.

E.     Significance of The Research
The researcher expects that the result of this research would give the contributions for the students, the English teacher and the other researchers. This significance of the research is as follows:
1.      To the students
The students can increase their ability in listening comprehension.
2.      To the English teachers
The English teachers can get a new strategy to teach listening comprehension for students.
3.      To the other researchers
The other researchers will increase their knowledge and get a new experience in teaching listening.

F.     Definition of Key Terms
To avoid the readers from misunderstanding, it is necessary for the researcher to present the definition of key terms. They are as follows:
1.      Finding missing lyric
Finding missing lyric is to find out the missing word in the song.
2.      Listening comprehension
Listening comprehension is the capability to understanding about some information which is presented orally by speakers.


A.    Theoretical Description
1.      Listening Comprehension
Listening Comprehension is a critical skill which students need to learn and practice. Clearly, there is more to teaching listening comprehension than playing a CD and asking students to fill in the blanks. Some habits of "good listeners" and how we can apply them in the classroom will be discussed.
We live in a world of sound. In our daily lives, we spend far more time listening than speaking, reading or writing (Morley:1991).
We must remind ourselves that "Speaking does not of itself constitute communication unless what is said is comprehended by another person" (Rivers cited in Morley, 1991:82). Surely this shows the importance of listening comprehension, and implies that teachers need to allocate a considerable amount of classroom time to teaching and practicing it.
Listening is always assumes as a passive skill like reading. Which means that students receive all the information they gain from listening materials without further activity of producing something either in written or spoken form.
According to Buck (2001:31) “listening comprehension is an active process of constructing meaning, and that this done by applying knowledge to the incoming sound”. He also stated that “listening comprehension is a process that is very complex process, and if we want measure it, we must first understand how that process works”. Listening is important in the language classroom because it provides input for the learner, because of listening is fundamental of speaking skill.
Based on the statement above, it can be said that listening comprehension is one of the language skills that are frequently used in everyday life. We spend our time mostly for listening for our teacher, friends, family, lectures, radio, music, movie, television and others. In order to communicate effectively we have to be able to hear what the other person is speaking.
The purpose of listening can be categorized into some types:
1.      To gain information
2.      To distinguish between fact and opinion
3.      To identify main ideas
4.      To summarize ideas
5.      To make inferences
6.      To follow direction
7.      To gratify the listener’s sense
8.      To sense emotion and moods through words use the manner of delivery
9.      The form sensory images, and to discriminate between the sound

2.      Finding Missing Lyric
Lyric can be studied from an academic perspective. Lyric can also be analyzed with respect to sense of unity it has with its supporting music. Lyric is simple word of song. The lyric or song texts do not only as a complement of the song, but also as an important part of the music elements which determine the theme, character and mission of the song. It can also make sense be stable. To know the sense of the song, we can feel the rhythm and melody, harmony and voice of the singer by the singing of the song.
Finding missing lyric is a learning method for the students to predict possible missing lyric from a song. Students can fill in blanks in song lyrics, rearrange lines or verses, or listen to songs and say what mood or message they convey (2007:143).

B.     Related Previous Research
After survey the literature of this research, the researcher finds a research that discuss about “Teaching Listening Comprehension Using missing Words to the Eleventh Year Students of SMA Negri 4 Lubuklinggau”. She is a student of STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau.
Her thesis has similarities and differences from the researcher’s research. The similarities between the researcher’s research and Wahyuni Fitrianti’s thesis have same dependent variable that is teaching listening comprehension. The differences are the method of the teaching. The researcher’s research use finding missing lyric in the song, but Wahyuni Fitrianti’s use missing words in the text in her teaching.
Wahyuni Fitrianti’s thesis finds that missing words is significantly effective in teaching listening comprehension to the eleventh year students of SMA Negri 4 Lubuklinggau.

A.    Research design
In this research, the researcher uses experimental research with descriptive quantitative. Experimental research is a powerful research method to establish cause and effects relationship.
Ary et al (2007: 338) states “Experimental research design is scientific investigation in which the researcher manipulates one or more independent variables, controls any other relevant variables, and observes the effect of a manipulation on the dependent variables(s)”.
In this research, the researcher uses pre-experimental design using one group pre-test and post-test design. It means that one group will be treated and they will be test before and after the treatment conduct. This research is classified as pre-experimental design. In the one-group pre-test and post-test design, a single group is measured or observed not only after being exposed to a treatment but also before. The experimental group will be conduct by using pre-test before treatment and post-test for result of treatment as instrument to collecting data.
The researcher teaches one class but divide into two different conditions. Firstly, they are become control group and secondly become experimental group. The researcher provides a pre test and post test. Pre test is given before the material is given by the researcher and post test in the last meeting. The researcher conducts several meeting in teaching listening. In the first meeting, the researcher gives listening test to the students, it is called pre test. After several teaching and learning listening by using the finding missing lyric strategy, the students have test again, it is called post test.
The research design is as follows:
Table 1
The Research Design



Post Test




X         : Listening treatment
Y1        : Students’ achievement on listening comprehension before listening treatment
Y2        : Students’ achievement on listening comprehension after listening treatment

According to Ary et al (2006:37), a variable is a concept that stands for variation within a class of objects. Variables can be classified in several ways. The most important classification is on the basis of their use within the research under the consideration, when they are classified as independent variables or dependent variables.
Independent variable is an attributes or characteristics that influences or affects an outcome (Creswell, 2008:127). The independent variable in this research is learning strategy using the finding missing lyric strategy. Dependent variable is an attributes or characteristics that is dependent on, or influenced by the independent variable (Creswell 2008:127). In this research the dependent variable is to build students listening ability.
The chart is shown as follows:
Chart 1
Students’ Achievement in Listening Comprehension


Finding Missing Lyric
Research Variable


            Independent Variable                                                 Dependent Variable

B.     Population and Sample
1.      Population
According to Gay (1992:140) population is the group to which researcher would like the result of a study to be generalizable.
Moreover, according to Arikunto (2010:173) Population is a set (or collection) of all elements processing one or more attributes of interest.
While According to Ary, (2002:163), population is the larger group to which a researcher wishes to generalize, it includes all members of defined class of people, events or object. To will get the real data in this research, the researcher decides to choose the population of the students in the eleventh grade in SMA Negeri 2 Lubuklinggau.
Table 2
 The Population of he Research


Number Of Students






(source: SMA Negri 2 Lubuklinggau in the academic year 2014/2015)
2.      Sample
According to Gay (1992:123) sample is the individual selected comprise. Selection of a sample is a very important step in conducting a research. Regardless of the specific technique use, the steps in sampling include identification of the population, determination of require sample size and selection of sample.
Sample is a part of population to will observe, which can represent all the characteristics of population. To make research, the researcher decides to choose the class XI IS 1 which consists of 32 students as the sample of the research.

C.    Research Instrument
According to Sugiono (2008:102) instrument is the generic term that researchers use for a measurement device (survey, test, questionnaire, etc). Research instrument is the process of developing, testing and using the device.
The researcher decides to use test as research instrument. Based on Arikunto (2010:193) test is a set of question or exercise or by any means which is used to measure the skill and the knowledge, intelligence, ability or talent proposed by individual or a group of people.

This research is entitled “The Effectiveness of Finding Missing Lyric Strategy in Listening Comprehension of the Students for the Eleventh Grade in SMA Negeri 2 Lubuklinggau in The Academic Year 2014/2015”. The researcher interests to make this research because she wants to try teaching listening comprehension use song especially through finding missing lyric strategy.
The suitable design of this research is descriptive quantitative. The researcher uses pre-experimental design using one group pre-test and post-test design. The method in this research is finding missing lyric strategy with the material is western song from westlife on the title “Beauty in White”.
The population that researcher chooses is the eleventh grade students in SMA Negri 2 Lubuklinggau which have six classes with total population is 169 students. The sample is from class IX IS 1 which consists of 32 students.

Club, English. 2014. What is listening. [online]. Available: (accessed on November, 10th 2014).
Howell, Simon. 2014. Teaching Listening Comprehension. Available: (accessed on January, 1th 2015)
Oxford, R L. 1993. Research update on teaching L2 listening. System, 21 (2).
PDF. 2014. Listening. Available: (accessed on January, 1st 2015)
PDF. 2014. Research method. Available: (accessed on January, 1st 2015)
PDF. 2014. What is listening. Available: (accessed on November, 11th 2014)
Richards, Jack. 2014. Listening comprehension approach design and procedure. Available: (accessed on January, 1th 2015)